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Tutoring with Ms. Kellee

About Ms. Kellee

Ms Kellee is a Dyslexia Specialist with over 16 years of experience. She is certified at the Masters Level in the Barton Reading and Spelling System.  Ms. Kellee provides screening and tutoring for students of all ages and from public, private and home schools.  She is highly skilled in working with students with attention struggles that often exist in conjunction with dyslexia. 


While working with your student, Ms. Kellee will provide fun, multi-sensory instruction that will keep your student fully engaged. Her students genuinely enjoy their sessions. They delight in celebrating their progress as reading and spelling become less daunting.

Ms. Kellee has a long list of students who are excelling now that they have achieved the ten levels of the Barton System. Her students become family to her and she respectively goes to great lengths to ensure their future success.


"Ms. Kellee and the Barton System have done amazing things for my nine-year-old son. Not only has his reading and spelling improved by leaps and bounds, but he has also gained a confidence and self-assurance that he was once lacking. 

The benefits were easy for me to see after a few months of tutoring, but the proof was the dramatic improvement in his STAR test scores before beginning the Barton System and his scores after only ten months of instruction with Ms. Kellee. His scores went from the lower end of Basic in second grade to Proficient, bordering on Advanced, in third grade. Not only that, but he took the test orally in second grade, but in third, he was able to read the test himself and answer the questions, with no extra time needed! 

Ms. Kellee has a true heart for her students, a passion for helping them overcome the challenges of dyslexia, and the desire to help students recognize their own special gifts and talents. She and the Barton System have literally changed my son's life." 

--Traci H.

Ms. Kellee has had a profound impact on our nine-year old son and we are incredibly grateful for her support for our entire family. Our son was diagnosed with surface dyslexia in first grade two months before the world shut down due to the Covid pandemic. Fortunately Ms. Kellee was able to continue to support him online and found engaging ways to help him progress through the Barton system, become a much stronger and more confident reader, and develop greater self-esteem. Ms. Kellee is able to engage our son because of the relationship she has developed with him, the creative way she teaches Barton and uses games online, and her approach to monitoring and rewarding progress. She has also been a wonderful resource and support for our family as we have navigated how to best support our son and also help him understand the many gifts and strengths that also come with dyslexia.

--Kelly W.

Our daughter completed all ten levels of the Barton System with Ms. Kellee and we could not be happier with our experience. Not only did Ms. Kellee give our daughter tools to succeed, but boosted her confidence and made learning fun. Ms. Kellee has an amazing gift, really engages her students, and truly cares about their success. She walks alongside her students and their families and celebrates each achievement large or small. We are so grateful to have found Ms. Kellee and for the time she invested in our daughter.

– Jennifer F.

"I like Ms. Kellee because she rewards you with fun games and she's nice. She helped me with my reading and spelling with using spelling rules. Since I've been going to Ms. Kellee's, it's not as hard for me to have dyslexia."

--Logan H.

"My daughter never liked reading, even when she was a toddler and I would read to her at night, she resisted. She couldn't wait for the story to be over. She hated tory time at the library. She wasn't interested in books. When she started school, she hated it. Her teachers all reported that she was bright and well behaved, and that she was doing fine in school, but she absolutely hated it. After three years of fighting her, we decided to give homeschooling a try. As I began to work with her, I could see right away that something was off, something was different in the way she processed information, but I didn't know what it was. And, I could see that she couldn't spell and could barely read. I was terrified and had no idea what to do to help her. After meeting Kellee and hearing about what she did, I decided to have Kellee test my daughter for dyslexia. When Kellee shared the results with me, I cried. My daughter was dyslexic. How would she ever make it in a non-dyslexic world?

My husband and I decided to have Kellee start tutoring our daughter right away. I could think of nothing more important for us to invest our time or money in. It was the best decision we ever made. Kellee was amazing. She was calm, welcoming and reassuring and put my daughter at ease right away. Kellee was able to work with and reach my daughter in ways I never could. Even on days my daughter didn't want to do her home school work, she always wanted to go see Ms. Kellee! The progress they made honestly amazed me. My daughter worked with Kellee through the whole 10 levels of the Barton program. The results were astounding. Through the Barton program, Kellee was able to teach my daughter how to read in a way that worked for her.

Today, my daughter is back in public school. She is earning all A’s and B’s! Does she love reading? Not exactly. But can she read? YES! Does she have to work harder than other kids at some of the academics? Yes. But, does she have other amazing gifts and talents BECAUSE of her dyslexia? Absolutely, and Ms. Kellee helped my daughter see that.

I cannot imagine where we would be without Kellee's tutoring and support. She not only taught our daughter how to read and write, but she also supported us as we worked through our questions, fears and ignorance about dyslexia. If you are worried about your child, or suspect they have dyslexia, I cannot encourage you enough to meet with Kellee and see what she can do for your child. She certainly changed our daughter's life."

--Alison D.


Are you seeking one-on-one reading and spelling instruction for yourself or your dyslexic student?

Schedule a consultation today! 

Kellee Blauser


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